After only 6-months of being on the market, it is with great sadness that I report to you all today, that the All Things She audio notebook collection has been discontinued. I came to know very quickly that the notebook and journal market is so over-saturated that even an impressive, and unique product such as this one struggled to survive.
I created the notebooks as a way of introducing variety into my product line. However, one thing about being an entrepreneur is knowing when something is just not working and then making the decision to move on. In marketing 101, you are taught that your company's biggest goals are to:
- Meet a need that your customers may have.
- Create a product that is strong and competitive enough to keep your customers wanting more of it.
- Be ready to explain how your products will enhance their wellbeing and/or solve their problem.
This was the first time I decided to try notebooks and I admit, it was both a challenge a learning experience. Upon surveying several women, it turns out that 75% of them like products that are fairly simple. And although 25% of the women did not mind the extra bells and whistles, it simply was not enough for me to determine that production was still worth of the time it took to produce. The cost to produce far outweighed the smaller audience's liking.
Testing the waters to find the perfect product can be tough and not all creations will be a success and that's ok. It comes with the territory right? But no worries, I'm not done yet. I have a few products that will be making a splash soon so stay tuned...